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Overall Project Questions


How was Buchart Horn chosen, and what are their costs thus far? (4/5/24)

  • Buchart Horn is the architect that Turf Track & Court uses for their structures; the District pays  Turf Track & Court - not Buchart Horn.

Has an Environmental Impact Study been done yet? If so, how much did it cost? If not, do you have an estimated cost? (4/5/24)

  • An environmental study has not been done yet.

What is the total number of artificial turf fields planned, and where will they be? What is the total cost of the planned artificial turf fields? (4/5/24)

  • Two artificial fields are planned at the main campus.  The estimated costs are: $950,000-Main Stadium and  $1,050,000-Mini-stadium

Water runoff from the artificial turf fields. It was stated that such water would be stored in (underground?) tanks. What happens to that water when the tanks are full?  What will that estimated cost be? (4/5/24)

  • Specifics about water management will not be known until after zoning.

Will ALL students in gym classes be required to sign a waiver to be on the artificial turf and cannot sue the school if they get injured or become ill because of the chemicals in the artificial turf, etc.? (4/5/24)

  • No, students will not be required to sign waivers.

What is the total number of outdoor LED lights planned? (4/5/24)

  • We will have eight fields lit with LED lights.

Will you contact all the non-profits in the township for donations (the township has a specific list of those in the township in addition to this county list): (4/5/24)

  • We are currently looking into community partnerships and grants.

When will you start contacting them? (4/5/24)

  • We do not plan to contact additional non-profits in West Manchester Township or West York Boro until we have a concept. 

Isn’t Dan Rice the VP of both the School Board and the West York Boys Club? There seems to be a conflict of interest in this project when voting on this bond/tax issue because if there is an issue with the athletic fields’ usage, the first aspect of the project to be eliminated should be the non-school programs since they are also causing wear and tear issues. (4/5/24)

  • Dan Rice is the Vice President of the West York Board of Directors and the President of the West York Boys Club.

How can I get involved?

  • There are several ways to get involved and make your voice heard!
    • Use the "Ask a Question or Leave a Comment" link on the left of this page to share your thoughts or ask questions.
    • Attend Work Sessions and Board meetings and share your thoughts during public comment.
    • Donate - there will be opportunities to leave a legacy that will memorialize your support of this project. 

How will my input make a difference? It seems like the design is already in place.

  • We are in the early stages of design. We encourage suggestions through public meeting and our questions and comment form. 

How will the school conduct business during construction?

  • The District will operate normally - there should be no disruption to the educational process, with some exceptions to outdoor physical education classes and team practices. There will be contingency plans in place when we reach that point. 

What is the timeline for construction?

  • General Overview of Schedule
    • Municipal / Regulatory Reviews   Feb - October 2024
    • Bidding / Contractor selection      Oct. - December  2024
    • Construction (start)                       April - May 2025
    • Construction (finish)                     (yet to be determined)

How can community members who don't have access to the internet keep informed of current issues or decisions being made?

  • Board Work Sessions, Board Voting Meetings, and Board Committee meetings are all open to the public. These meetings are advertised in the York Daily Record and Dispatch.  

Will there be a community conversation concerning the need for parts of this project?  

  • A community presentation was held on February 15, 2024. Postcards were mailed to all taxpayer addresses within the District prior to the presentation.
  • Upcoming Work Sessions & Board meetings are open to the public and allow community members to share comments and ask questions during the public comment portion of the meetings.
  • The Board will deliberate on the project at the Work Session meeting on March 12, 2024.

In a time of high inflation and higher than normal expenses for needed items, families and senior citizens can not afford higher taxes in already stretched budgets, how can the Board justify this expense and propose higher taxes for a project that has less educational benefit to a smaller (than previous years) student population, will impact a small amount of the student population, will need to be updated every few years (turf) and will not necessarily benefit the larger community?  

  • The facilities are for more than just after-school sporting events. The entire student population will use the facilities through daily physical education classes, special events, etc. 
  • The community will benefit from safe and accessible facilities when attending events as spectators, walking on the track, and lighted pathways during permitted hours, etc. 
  • Key to the purpose of the West York Athletic Fields Project is to make the athletics venues more accessible to the broader community.
    • Features such as the 8-lane track, handicap-accessible parking, and artificial turf on two fields will allow West York to host District III playoffs, PIAA championship games, and invitational events.
  • Please see the financing section for answers regarding financing and tax increases.

Understanding the need for some improvements in the athletic facilities, why can't some funds apply to academics, as this is the primary reason for education? 

  • Providing a robust educational program in a safe and well-maintained learning environment is a primary goal for our Board of School Directors.
  • To learn more about the other areas the District has invested in, such as security, programming, and updating facilities, please review Dr. Davies's presentation at the February 20, 2024, Board Meeting. 

How has the Board reached out to WYASD athletic boosters to help raise money for things that will directly impact the boosters?  

  • The booster clubs have shouldered the costs of many athletic purchases that benefit the students on specific teams. 
  • Our booster clubs are in place to benefit the students involved in their particular sports, clubs, etc., and we are not inclined to ask them to pay for Districtwide facility improvements. 

How has the Board contacted outside entities (government, businesses, clubs, YCCF, private citizens) to help fund this project and limit the burden on taxpayers?

  • We always look for partnerships with sponsors when doing a project. We are also looking at grant funding opportunities to help offset the costs associated with the project.
  • We have applied for a Redevelopment Assistance Capital Program (RACP) grant to help offset the costs of this project. 
  • We will offer ways for private citizens, businesses, etc., to donate to the project. Those plans are still in the development stage.

Why not put money into the school buildings instead for improvements? 

  • In the summer of 2024, the district is investing $4.2M on upgraded HVAC units at Lincolnway & Trimmer and updated High School and Middle School rooftop units.
  • In 2019, the District invested $5.7M in roofing repairs, District-LED lighting retrofit, building envelope upgrades, roofing repairs, and HVAC Upgrades.