Phased Project Progress
Accessing West York: Project Phases*
- The Board will vote to advance the project through different phases. During any established votes, the Board of Directors may revise the project in part or reject it. The project can be adjusted at any time prior to signing the construction contracts (Phase #4).
Phase One
"What we want to do."
Planning/Architect Conceptual Design
- In this phase, the Board established a plan to address the needs identified by the district. Goals were established, as well as a plan for financing.
- This phase has been ongoing since the project's inception.
Phase Two
“What can we do?”
Submitted to Zoning and Engineering
- In this phase, the Township and Boro zoning committees will determine if the conceptual design will meet the threshold established by each municipality.
- The West York Area School District Board of Directors will formally vote to enter this phase at its March 19, 2024, meeting.
- Entering this phase does not mean the Phase #1 project will be completed as it was/is presented.
- This phase may cost additional dollars for zoning approval.
Phase Three
“What does it cost to do?”
Bidding /Construction Documents
- If the project, as presented, meets the zoning and engineering requirements of Phase # 2, the Board will vote to send the project out to bid.
- The date of the Board vote to send the project out for bid is to be determined.
Phase Four
"What can we afford to do?"
Sign Contract
- Once the bids are returned, the Board will better understand the project's actual costs and will be able to vote once again to approve its construction.
- The date for the Board vote to assign construction contracts is to be determined.
*Please note that this page has been updated to reflect a truer picture of the project's progress. The previous page indicated three stages and proved to be somewhat confusing.