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Director John Hamme


Director John Hamme

Updated: March 2024

Years on the WYASD Board of Directors:

  • Brand new - seated in December 2023!

What is your occupation?

  • Attorney

What makes West York awesome from your perspective as a School Director and a District resident, and what would you like the community to know about West York? 

  • Having lived in West York for my entire life, I truly believe that West York is a special place, not only as a resident but also as a School Director. West York Pride runs deep in this community, and even when our students move on to other adventures in their lives, they look back at their time here with admiration. As a School Director, it is easy to see how special this District is from the top down, and how each educator truly believes in Every Student Every Day.

What is the most important issue before the Board right now? 

  • Currently, the most important issue before the Board is to continue the momentum of growth in the various areas of the District over the past several years. This is accomplished by continual evaluation of District goals, open communication with the public as well as maintaining the fiscal responsibility the Board has exhibited during this time.

Where do you see the District in 5 years, and how do you see your role on the Board as an integral part of the future?

  • I believe that in five years the District will have continued to grow academically, culturally and civically. Focusing on Every Student Every Day will take this District to new levels of success in these areas. The Board’s role in this upward trajectory will be to maintain our fiscal responsibility while ensuring these goals are met each year. 

What people might be surprised to know about you?

  • I am the father of triplet daughters, and I am an avid reader of history as well as personal development books.

What is one piece of advice you would share with our high school seniors?

  • Singularity of focus and discipline are the keys to achieving whatever you set out to do in life. Never be afraid to try and fail, because remember, “failure is just growth in wolf’s clothing.”

What would you do even if you didn’t get paid to do it?

  • I am passionate about teaching and helping others. It is a great value to help others see their own potential.