Director Lynn Kohler
Director Lynn Kohler
Updated: March 2024
Years on the WYASD Board of Directors:
- Nine years
- Sales Manager for a Life Insurance Company
What makes West York awesome from your perspective as a School Director and a District resident, and what would you like the community to know about West York?
- In a world where people often move and change jobs regularly, West York remains a community of many people who were born and raised in this area and have chosen to raise their families here. This is an Awesome community, and the WYASD is the center of our community.
What is the most important issue before the Board right now?
- Over the last six years, we have worked to improve the student experience by adding programs, staff, and safety /security measures without a tax increase. Unfortunately, the run of no tax increases has come to an end. Our goal is to position WYASD in the middle of the pack in York County. We want to be competitive with the other school districts regarding pay to staff/teachers and facilities. We are in the process of updating our outside classroom experience. Improving our athletic fields will keep us on par with districts of similar size in York County. The sad reality is that the cost of just about everything is going up, affecting the cost of running a school district. The district should be well positioned in the next 10-15 years.
Where do you see the District in 5 years, and how do you see your role on the Board as an integral part of this?
- As Board President, my role is to set the agenda, run the business meetings, and consult with the Superintendent daily regarding district issues that might involve the Board. Beyond that, I am one of nine directors working to make smart decisions for the benefit of our students, staff/teachers, and the community at large. We place around 1,000 students into this community every five years. They will become taxpayers, business owners, and future community leaders.
What people might be surprised to know about you?
- I am currently focused on my career and Board work. My hobbies have taken a back seat for now. Two priorities that I do have are trying to get a 30-minute cardio workout per day and attending two live music concerts per month.
What is one piece of advice you would share with our high school seniors?
- Value the personal relationships you develop. True friends, who you can depend on in good times and bad, are hard to find.
What would you do even if you didn’t get paid to do it?
- Uncovering things of value that most people overlook and getting them into the hands of someone who appreciates them.