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Director Wes Myers


Director Wes Myers

Updated: Update coming soon.

Years on the WYASD Board of Directors: Two years.

Occupation:  General Manager - Automotive Dealership

What would you say the most important issue is before the Board right now?
The most important issue for me is putting distractive mandates aside. We need more local control of our school district to focus on the important issues that have been overshadowed in the past few years. It's time to move forward with educating our children, preparing them for their future, and uniting as a community.

What would you like the community to know about the West York Area School District?
As a 1996 graduate, West York Area School District has been my home for over 43 years. My two children are 3rd-generation Bulldogs and I care very much about the future of West York. I have always been very proud to be called a Bulldog and I hope that continues for our community for many years to come!

What makes West York's mission, Every Student Every Day, powerful for you?
Every Student Every Day is a goal that every school district should have, in my opinion. And, I'm a huge supporter of the statement, "Actions speak louder than words." So, we need to always continue to ensure that our school district's actions make this mission powerful for every student, every day.

Where do you see the District in 5 years, 10 years, 20 years, and how do you see your role on the Board as an integral part of this?
My goal would be that the District continues the proud history that it has always had for Education, Athletics, Musical programs, and Fiscal Responsibility to name a few. I'm happy that I get to be part of this overall goal and I look forward to a unified board to make this happen. When we work together as a community, great things can and will always continue!

Where could we find you on the weekend?
Enjoying my free time with my friends and family, which are very important to me and also cheering on my daughters at their many sporting events.

What might people be surprised to know about you?
For almost 10 years, I was the lead singer of a regional, original rock band called Evelyn's Ashes. I also took piano lessons for 12 years and play the acoustic guitar. Music is a passion of mine, so search for "Evelyn's Ashes" on Google if you'd like to check it out.

What is one piece of advice you would share with our high school seniors?
Enjoy every last minute of high school with your friends. These memories will last a lifetime!

What would you do even if you didn’t get paid to do it?
Play and sing music.