Meeting Information
Meeting Information
We hold our Board Work Session Meetings on the second Tuesday of each month at 7:00 p.m. and our Regular Board Meetings on the third Tuesday of each month at 6:30 p.m., in the Boardroom of the Administration Building located at 1891 Loucks Road, Suite 100, York, PA 17408.
Our meetings are open to the public, and we invite you to attend and make your voice heard (in-person attendance only) during the Public Comment portion of the meeting. You may attend in person, via Zoom, or watch via YouTube. Please note that we do not hold meetings in July.
To register to attend virtually via Zoom, click the Quick links Menu. You may register for one or several (future) meetings.
Public Comment Guidelines:
The Board of School Directors encourages comments from the community during the Public Comment section of the Agenda.
If a community member present in the Boardroom wishes to express Public Comment, a request card must be completed to include his/her name, address, contact phone number, and/or email address. Note that public comment is only accepted via in-person attendance at the Work Session or Board Meetings.
Upon recognition by the presiding officer of the Board, the individual may begin speaking.
In accordance with Board Policy 903, a community member may be limited to *five minutes, or a time set at the beginning of the meeting. Please understand that comments are timed, and the presiding officer of the meeting will halt comment as appropriate.
Further, Board policy indicates that the Board will take questions and concerns under advisement and issue a response after due deliberation. A representative of the Board or District administration will contact the individual at the phone number or email provided to share the Board’s response.
The Board does not allow complaints of a personal nature to be initiated at a public meeting. Any such complaints will be referred to the Superintendent.
*Allotted time for comments may be altered by the presiding officer should the number of attendees wishing to provide public comment be significantly more than anticipated. This is to allow everyone an opportunity to speak.