West York Community Corner
Please check this page often for new events and activities happening in and around West York. Check out the "Fundraiser" section below to get involved and help support our students with their many activities and causes.
All fundraisers sponsored by a school-affiliated booster club or PTO/PTSO must submit Administrative Regulation 618 AR 1 Fundraiser Application for approval by the respective Building Principal and the Superintendent at least 30 days prior to the commencement of the fundraising activity. If the fundraiser requires the use of district facilities, Administrative Regulation 707 AR 0 must be completed and submitted to the Business Office and a copy attached to the 618 AR 1 Fundraiser Application form.
Community Events & Activities
Community Resources
To have a non-profit event or class published on our website, contact our Communications Department at bulldogmail@wyasd.org -- all submissions should be in pdf. format.
Please note that all information provided regarding Community Events & Activities and Community Resources are provided as a courtesy to our community. The West York Area School District does not promote or endorse these activities and those interested should contact sponsoring organizations directly for more information.