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Academic Programs

The academic standards for our students are high, and we utilize different approaches at each level to ensure all students have the chance and ability to succeed. In our elementary schools we offer differentiated instruction to meet each child's individual needs. In our middle school we use a school-within-a-school team philosophy, so that all students can learn and grow with a core group of teachers and students. In the high school our block schedule provides students with more academic opportunities.

We believe in offering challenges to those students who are ready to move beyond the traditional grade-level curriculum or who thrive on creative problem-solving activities and lessons.

Title 1 is part of the Every Student Succeeds Act. This is a federally funded educational program that provides supplemental funds to school districts to assist schools with the highest student concentrations of poverty to meet school educational goals.

Our Special Education Department is dedicated to providing exceptional learning opportunities for all students. If you would like to have your child tested for special education services or if you have questions or concerns about the services your child currently receives, please contact our district Special Education Department. We are always happy to talk with you.

For More Information, Contact

Ms. Melissa Appnel,
Director of K-12 Education and Assessment
Ph: (717) 505-0919

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