West York Student Nutrition FAQ
Q. What is a reimbursable lunch?
A. A reimbursable lunch includes protein (meat/meat alternate such as cheese), bread/grain, fruit, vegetables and 8oz. of low-fat or nonfat milk. Students must choose a minimum of 3 of the 5 components AND MUST CHOOSE A FRUIT OR VEGETABLE AS ONE OF THE THREE components to be considered a lunch.
Q. If a student is eligible for free or reduced price lunches, is he/she eligible for free or reduced price breakfast?
A. YES, they are eligible for BOTH breakfast and lunch at their free or reduced price.
Q. If a student is eligible for free or reduced price meals, can they choose from any menu options?
A. Yes, all menu options are included as a selection if you participate in the free or reduced price program. A la carte is not included and current pricing applies.
Q. How do I apply for free or reduced-priced meals?
A. WYASD is now accepting applications online. Please click on the Free & Reduced Lunch link on the district website. You will be directed to log into the School Cafe site to complete your application. Applications are no longer being mailed home. If you need a paper application, please contact your child's school office.
If you are denied and your situation changes, you can reapply as many times as you need to throughout the school year to see if your eligibility changes.
Q. Do I need to complete a separate application for each family member, or if my children attend different schools within the West York Area School District?
A. No, you only need to complete ONE application PER FAMILY.
Q. If I received free or reduced price meals the previous year, do I need to apply for the new school year?
A. YES, a new application must be submitted every year. There is a 30-day grace period for applications at the beginning of the school year. During this 30-day grace period, students who were on the program the previous year will be carried over, but will be removed at the end of the 30 days if a new application is not submitted.
Q. How do I pay for meals and a la carte purchases?
A. You can use the link: School Payment Portal Powered By LunchTime Software to set up an account and login to pay all meal and a la carte charges .You may also send cash or a check made out to the “West York Cafeteria Fund “, with your student, to be given to the cafeteria staff.
Q. How do I use my school payment portal account?
A. You can set up reminder emails and autopay, you can also restrict certain purchases.
Q. How can I check the balance of my child’s account?
A. You can check the balance of your student’s account through the payment portal you set up at: School Payment Portal Powered By LunchTime Software.
Q. What do I do if I want my child to only be able to purchase school meals and no extras or a la carte?
A. Use the payment portal you set up to restrict items.
Q. How do I find nutritional information for a meal or product?
A. This information is available on the menus/nutritional information page: /Page/169.
Q. What do I do if my child is transferring to another district or graduating and there is still money in his/her account?
A. All Graduating students will either have their balance transferred to a sibling or, if they do not have a sibling in the district, a check will be issued. Reimbursements are issued in June. If your student is not a graduating student, please contact the food service director via email to request those funds at srutkowski@wyasd.org.
Q. How many meals per day are free or reduced, if you are approved?
A. 1 breakfast and 1 lunch
Q. If I am approved for free or reduced meals, when does it take effect?
A. The school district has up to 10 days to process your application, however applications are typically approved within 3 school days from the time the food services director receives the application. The free and reduced price meals only start after they are approved, and cannot be used before the approval date.
Q. What if my child has an allergy?
A. Contact your child’s school nurse for the proper forms and procedures.