Special Education
Special Education/Pupil Services
West York Area School District offers a number of services to its students and their families to support their academic experiences. If you wish to receive information about available services or if you wish to learn how to access these services, please feel free to contact the Special Education Department.
Ms. Heather Hossler
Acting Director of Special Education & Pupil Services
Contact Information
Ph: (717) 792-2796 x1026
Fax: (717) 764-7910
Mailing Address:
1891 Loucks Road, Suite 100
York, PA17408
Meet the Director...
UPDATE! For Review
Change in Age of Eligibility for Free and Appropriate Public Education, Policy Revision
PDE has revised its guidance pertaining to INDIVIDUALS WITH DISABILITIES EDUCATION ACT PART B POLICIES AND PROCEDURES UNDER 34 CFR §§ 300.101—300.176 as follows: IDEA PartB
The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania ensures that all children with disabilities ages 3 years through 21 years residing in Pennsylvania have the right to a FAPE, including children with disabilities who have been suspended or expelled from school. The commonwealth shall make FAPE available to a child with a disability eligible under IDEA until the student turns 22. Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, a child eligible under IDEA who attains the age of twenty-one (21) years may remain enrolled in their resident district free of charge until their 22nd birthday.
Frequently Asked Questions
2024-2027 Special Education Plan
Annual Notice of Special Education Services
Aviso público anual de servicios de educación especial