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Transportation for students is provided in accordance with the law and West York Area School District Board Policy. Each student for whom transportation is provided shall be assigned to a bus stop and route. Students are not permitted to transfer to another stop and/or route. Parent(s)/Guardian(s) may request in writing that a student be reassigned to a different stop and/or route. District administration will determine if the request will be granted.

Currently, the WYASD has building-specific buses that transport all elementary students.  Buses are easily identified with the name of the school on each bus. Multi-building households (siblings, etc.) will be considered in the planning of routes.

Kindergarten Bus Stop Release Procedure:
As an ongoing measure to keep our students safe, parents/caregivers of Wallace kindergarten students MUST come to the bus doors to claim their child at the bus stop. If the driver and student cannot identify the adult picking up the student, the child will remain on the bus and be returned to Wallace Elementary for pick up.

Contact  Information:
Questions regarding transportation during regular school hours should be
directed to the Transportation Coordinator
Ph: (717) 792-2796 x1008

Parents with a transportation emergency between the hours of
4:30 p.m. and 5:30 p.m. should contact:
Reliance Student Transportation - Ph: (717) 714-2140

Forms & Information

View Your Student's Bus Assignment
Login to your Sapphire Portal and click on Student Information on the right.

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