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Dr. Todd M. Davies, Superintendent

Dr. Todd Davies

Dear WYASD Community,

In West York, our purpose is twofold: 1) create opportunities for our students to thrive, and 2) develop world-class citizens.  Ultimately, our aim is to equip West York graduates for more and better opportunities to thrive in an increasingly complex and competitive society while also empowering graduates to lead with integrity, empathy, and respect for others.

Graduating world-class citizens with boundless opportunities is possible when the entire West York educational community actively contributes their collective ideas, energy, and talents toward Every Student Every Day.  

One easy way for everyone to become involved is through our open-to-all committee meetings. The Educational Programming (EPC), Communication and Engagement Committee (CEC), Wellness, and Co-Curricular Committees meet on a regular basis.  All who attend can weigh in on the conversations that guide our district-wide decisions. Please check the district calendar for the dates, times, and locations for these meetings.

This is an exciting time to be a Bulldog!

Dr. Todd M. Davies

Contracts & Goals

Ms. Tina Keeler
Executive Assistant to the Superintendent