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School Closings & Delays

Inclement Weather Closures and Delays

Winter Weather Info
Snow days, late starts, and early closings are implemented when nature does not cooperate with in-person school attendance. To prepare you and your child for inclement weather events, please note the following:

  • Make plans for late arrivals or early dismissals in advance. Depending on the weather event, things could happen quickly, and families may not have much time to make childcare arrangements. Working parents are encouraged to talk to their employers in advance about these arrangements, especially if they impact their working schedule. 

  • The decision to close schools, delay the start time, or remain open is influenced by various factors and conditions beyond snow accumulation. Road conditions, parking lot safety, cold temperatures, and mechanical issues within our schools, such as HVAC malfunctions, play a role in this decision-making process. 

  • It's important to keep in mind that each school district, such as the West York Area School District, has its own unique circumstances and factors to consider when deciding whether to delay the start of school or close schools entirely. This means that a decision made by a neighboring district may not necessarily be the best decision for us, and vice versa. Our district has a team of dedicated staff who assess road conditions, safety of sidewalks, and paths to school before making a decision. We rely heavily on local weather forecasts in making these decisions, although sometimes even the forecasts can be inaccurate.

    Our foremost goal is to maintain our regular schedule as much as possible, but always with the safety of our students and staff as the top priority. We appreciate your understanding and support as we navigate these challenging weather-related decisions.

Make-up Days for 2024-25

Inclement weather make-up days for 2024-25, per the District Calendar, will be handled as follows:

  • February 17, 2025 - Students and Staff

  • April 21, 2025 - Students and Staff

  • The next two closures, not included in the above, will be made up by teachers only in June. 

  • The next closures, up to five, will be distance learning days for students and teachers. 

  • Additional days beyond those noted above will be made up on the designated make-up days in June.

Please note that information regarding make-up days for a closure will be included when a cancellation notification is sent.

Weather-related Cancelation Information for Outside Agencies Using District Facilities

  • In the event of severe weather or if there is the potential for severe weather, the School District will be closed to ensure the well-being of all stakeholders and the proper upkeep of District fields and facilities.

  • During any forecasted weather event, the outside agency is responsible for verifying the facility's availability with either the Athletic Director or Supervisor of Buildings and Grounds.

  • The District will not commit additional resources to clear snow from walkways or parking lots unless there is a District-sponsored activity.

    • District employees will not be required to come in for the exclusive purpose of clearing snow or managing weather-related issues when no district activities are scheduled.

  • As a rule of thumb - if there is snow, including drifting snow on parking lots and/or sidewalks entering the building, the site will be closed.

    • If snow accumulates after the start of the activity, it is the responsibility of the outside agency to cancel the activity and vacate the premises at the earliest available time.

  • The outside agency is responsible for communicating all closures to parents, athletes, opposing teams, and officials.

  • Renters, per AR 707, are kindly requested to contact either the Athletic Director or the Director of Buildings and Grounds for further guidance on any facility-related matters during weather-related closures.

Methods of Notification

We have several methods of notification to meet the needs of our families.  We will alert you to delays, school closures, and early dismissals in this order: 

  • Finalsite Notification (previously called Blackboard): Because this is considered a high-level alert, we’ll use the methods provided by families to share this information with you. Please ensure your preferred contact information is correct in Sapphire. The message will come to you in the following formats:

    • Phone voice message - typically from the Superintendent

    • Text Message

    • Email Message

    • Message on our App (the App can be downloaded from the iTunes or Google Play stores at no cost).

  • Website & Social Media: There will be a “pop-up” box on our website with the current status of delays/closures -, and we will share information via our social media sites. 

  • Television Stations: We will notify local television stations, but please check our primary means of notification prior to relying upon news media for the most current information.

    • WGAL

    • FOX43

    • ABC27

    • CBS21