• Superintendent Goals 

    Goal Category 1:  Academics, Student Growth and Achievement.  Description:  The Superintendent will sustain and consistently reinforce a positive culture for teaching and learning at the classroom, building, district, and community levels.   

    Goal Category 2:  Communication and Engagement.  Description: The Superintendent will continue to foster a culture of transparency at all levels, which enables effective, clear, and consistent communication channels to internal and external stakeholders.    

    Goal Category 3:  Safe and Caring Environment, Culture, and Climate.  Description:  The Superintendent will continue to develop and consistently reinforce a positive culture of service, respect, and support for ALL students, faculty, and staff. As a component of ensuring safe and secure schools, the Superintendent will address student, faculty, and staff wellness. Additionally, the Superintendent will be vigilant in ensuring the safety and security of all District buildings.

    Goal Category 4:  Budget, Finance, and Operations.  Description:  The superintendent will design and/or support systemic measures to ensure the ethical, efficient, and strategic use of fiscal, operational, human, and capital resources to ensure long-term financial health and stability.